Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelln.
There are two main types of beautifully flowering Kalanchoes: Blossfeld's Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, naturally blooms from February to May) and Kalanchoe manginii hybrids (Kalanchoe manginii, blooms from February to March).

The first is a much more popular species (named after the seed merchant Blossfeld), which is the one that is forced to bloom at any time of the year: large umbrella-shaped apical inflorescences of flowers up to 1 cm in diameter (red, pink, yellow or orange) decorate the plant for many weeks. Kalanchoe manzini has larger, drooping, bell-shaped flowers.


Eng.: Madagascar Widow's-thrill. Suom.: Tulilatva. Sven.: Våreld.